Covid-19 Update

Covid-19 Update

In recent events that are occurring at the moment with Covid-19, we wanted to address some questions that our customers may have. We are OPEN and still operating at our normal business hours:

  • Mon-Fri 8:00am - 6:00pm
  • Sat 8:00am - 1:00pm

We will continue to practice all cleaning and safety protocols. We are wiping down and disinfecting all commonly touched items several times a day to protect our customers and staff! At this time we plan to remain open and do our best to address all of our customers requests.

Our customers have the opportunity to come pick up their items outside the door, so customers do not have to enter the store. We encourage our customers please utilize our texting service. You may text 864-947-6925 with any questions you may have. Even if you want to know if we are open. We will respond. We are doing our best to keep up, but we may not be able to answer the phone.

You may also use our “touchless” transaction. You can text our store number with your name, your order (try to be specific as possible with item names, but if you are a current customer we will have it in your history) and what time you want to pick up. Once the girls get a second, we will call you over the phone to get your payment. Once you arrive at the store, you text letting us know you are there and what you are driving. We will reply letting you know the guys are on their way out.

We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding during this time!