Pennington Rackmaster Deluxe Fall Deer Mix


  • $39.99
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Pennington’s RACKMASTER Fall Deluxe Deer Mixture is a combination of winter annual grasses, legumes and brassica species that attract deer and provide the carbohydrates needed to help the deer herd build up stored fat to maintain good body condition through the rut and winter stress period. Wheat, oats, rye, Austrian winter peas, crimson clover and brassica are included in this premium seed mix - all of which supply the high protein and energy deer need during the winter season. This combination of ingredients ensures that a nutrient dense food source is available for 6 or more months throughout winter and into early spring. RACKMASTER Fall Deluxe Mixture also provides excellent habitat for quail and turkey. It features RapidResults seed germination enhancement technology which promotes quicker emergence and stronger, deeper root growth. The result is a hardier and more productive food plot that will attract and hold wildlife in the area longer.


To furnish the proper nutrition needed by deer to maintain body condition and good health throughout the late fall and winter months and on into the spring fawning period. To attract and hold deer in the area throughout the hunting season. To provide food and cover for other wildlife species including turkey and quail.

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